This may take the form of encouragement and stimulation to do even better. They both go hand-in-hand and the results from employees can be impressive. Once you are reassured that you are on the right track, then you can achieve anything. A great boss will soon become familiar with people’s talents and skills. It is a great asset when delegation has to be done.
Key Takeaways:
- Leaders do not have to be mean to be effective. Authoritarians tend to think that by being soft they will reduce their staff’s respect and motivation.
- successful leaders are rarely like Steve Jobs. He’s the exception that proves the rule. Studies show that overly rough bosses spawn motivational problems with their staff.
- The stress of working under a mean boss can negatively affect employee health.
“Leaders do not have to be mean to be effective. Authoritarians tend to think that by being soft they will reduce their staff’s respect and motivation.”