Leadership is a collaborative effort. At times it may feel as if you are at the top all by yourself, but this is not necessarily the case. Yes, you may be the sole CEO of your company and have been in charge of it for years. But you did not get there all on your own.
Now, initially you may have a knee jerk response to what I have just said here. Yes, you rose up and did it yourself. There’s no doubt about that. However, recall all the books you read and the seminars you attended and the talks you had with friends. All of these things add up to your learning and your development as a leader.
In other words, these people had a hand in helping you get where you are at today. That learning process was and is instrumental in who you are as a leader.
Well, guess what? That learning process never really comes to an end. We are always the student, always learning and always moving. Today we have one more way that you can learn by reviewing some of the best tips ever given by some of the best leaders in business today. Enjoy.
Read the full article here: 20 leadership experts share their best leadership tip