If you work from home or have employees that do there are some things to improve how well you do. If you are on the phone try to walk around a bit. If you are at your desk take walk about breaks. It keeps your energy up and keeps you sounding interested. If you can do a video conference, it keeps you more accountable. Schedule in breaks where you get up, walk, have a snack, or do some stretches.
Key Takeaways:
- Being in a different space can make a difference for brains that start tuning out from routine and sameness.
- Even if I’m not going to video conference with anyone that day, dressing in business casual attire can make a difference for my level of engagement.
- After a while we can start feeling disconnected and isolated.
“I took a lesson from my kid’s elementary school schedule and make sure I break up the day 2 recesses and a lunch break.”
Read more: https://www.inc.com/quora/3-things-your-best-employees-always-do-when-they-work-from-home.html