You can still land your dream job with little on the job experience. It takes loads of determination and a lot of hustle. You have to proactively look for a job you are interested in and somewhat qualify for. Apply for anything within your reach and use your life experiences as examples. Be prepared for the interview and with a go-get-em attitude and a willingness to work hard, employers can see a hard worker and someone who would fit in with their company.
Key Takeaways:
- Regardless of your job experience or education, apply for any and all jobs that might utilize your full skill set. Keep looking and applying until you get a foot in the door.
- Do your research once you get an interview. If you don’t have the right resume you will need to know how to talk the talk.
- Hustle as much as you have to, and be willing to break the rules. Let potential employers know you’re dedicated to the work and able to think outside the box.
“To s\ucceed in the startup game, you have to know how to hustle. It’s true of both employer and employee. You’ve got to scrape, fight and study like mad if you want to stay ahead of the pack. I learned this lesson from experience, but I’ve picked up a few pointers from inveterate hustlers around me as well.”
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