The Under-40 Club

Advice comes in many forms and fashions…and some of the best advice comes from those who have plowed that field before you, experiencing some of the same battles you are experiencing right now, and successfully navigating them.

That’s why it’s so important to not only listen to your elders, but to also listen to your peers. Today we have 5 pieces of advice, all of which come from entrepreneurs who are successful, and more importantly, who are under 40.

Why is that last part so important? Because these under 40 entrepreneurs are contemporaries, dealing with the same issues you are dealing with today. It’s one thing to take generalized advice from your elders, who are all part of a bygone generation of business. In the broadest sense of the word, you can take their advice.

However, it’s a completely different thing to look at the advice of those who are your contemporaries. They have seen what you currently see, and they know the very same trends you are undergoing right now in your businesses.

If there was anything more meaningful than this post, surely you would be reading it right now…or we would be directing you there. But we truly fee this is fill with meaning, worth and value.

Take a look at these 5 pieces of advice. You will not be steered wrong by what you find here.


Read the full article here: 5 Pieces of Start-Up Advice From Under-40 Entrepreneurs

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