In today’s ever shifting global landscape, executives need to be more than just keen operators and innovative thinkers. They need to be strategic leaders who are capable of affecting paradigmatic change whenever it becomes necessary. However as a recent study conducted by researchers from Boston University found, many of today’s executives have not cultivated the skills and practices necessary to lead in a truly strategic manner.
Though difficult for those used to working within an established paradigm, it is possible to adopt a new and more effective way of doing things.
As this Strategy + Business article notes, one of the most important traits of strategic leaders is the ability to distribute responsibility. While it may sound similar, this does not refer to the delegation of tasks or even projects but rather the empowerment of individuals within the lower tiers of an organization.
In addition to prompting a new and greater level of initiative and ownership from division heads, this aspect of strategic leadership also allows executives to rapidly institute modular or overall changes to their organization when they become a aware of unique opportunities at the granular or holistic level. Click the link below to learn more techniques that are essential to a strategic approach to corporate leadership.
Read the full article here: