If you rely on the same prospecting methods and never try anything new, you’ll miss out on valuable opportunities. To find these high-value prospects, you’ll need to try to add some creative prospecting techniques to your arsenal. You might also consider sending along a relevant article or tip, congratulate them on recent company news, or offer to connect them with a specific person in your network they benefit from knowing. A salesperson who works with biomedical companies, for instance, might focus on the difficulty his prospects have raising funding.
Key Takeaways:
- Sales success largely depends on routines. There are only so many hours in a day to sell — the more practiced salespeople are at completing everyday tasks.
- Maybe they haven’t changed vendors for 20 years and would only switch if a trusted business partner referred them to another supplier.
- To find these high-value prospects, you’ll need to try add some creative prospecting techniques to your arsenal. Use these six ideas as inspiration.
“Sales success largely depends on routines. There are only so many hours in a day to sell — the more practiced salespeople are at completing everyday tasks, the more time they can allocate to high-value activities like meeting with prospects or learning new skills.”