What does it take to be a great leader and businessman today? Now, we mention today because the world is changing. The landscape of business has definitely been impacted by technology and the web, so now, more than ever, everyone is and can be a business leader.
Well, today we look at the qualities of a great leader with some help from Mark Cuban, a business tycoon, professional basketball team owner (Dallas Mavericks) and a shark…not literally, but one of the hosts/judges on Shark Tank.
In his blog he spends some time going over the qualities every great business leader has. He should know. He took his tech interests and translated them into multimillion dollar interests and investments.
So what does it take to be great in business? The first thing he starts out with is being a great salesperson. Now, at first you may think this isn’t for you. The type of business you are in is not about sales. But what if I was to tell you that all business is sales. It may not be direct sales. But it’s about sales.
What do I mean? You are always selling something…and more often than not that something is you. You are asking people to trust you and follow you…hence, sales.
Learn more today: The 6 things you need to know to be great in business