7 Bad Workplace Habits Millennials Need to Stop Making

Overall, millennials tend to get a bad rap. However, not all criticisms of the millennial generation are unfounded, and when it comes to millennial behaviors in the workplace, there are a few key bad habits that should be broken as soon as possible. For one thing, many millennials would seemingly benefit from a lesson in humility, as demanding and arrogant attitudes are not unusual among this group. The millennial generation grew up in the midst of a tech revolution, but too many individuals from this group still don’t know how to speak in person or over the phone to other people, when and how to unplug from their devices, or how to focus on a single task at a time. The generation needs to develop better listening skills and learn to seek permission explicitly rather than assuming it.

Read more: 7 Bad Workplace Habits Millennials Need to Stop Making

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