7 Questions to Test How Serious Your Prospect Is About Buying

It will help you differentiate a buyer who’s unsure if she’s ready to take the plunge from a buyer who’s fully bought-in. Prospects who aren’t willing to put in the time and energy necessary to realize a product potential aren’t good fits. If your prospect is in the Decision stage of the buyer’s journey, she’s honed in on a specific solution type. Committed prospects will have some idea – if not a fully fleshed-out strategy – of how they’re going to introduce a product to their team or integrate it into their workflow.

Key Takeaways:

  • You learn about a valuable treasure, but it’s at the top of a huge mountain. Reaching the peak requires overcoming extreme cold, fatigue, and high altitudes.
  • she likely has a strong desire for change. If the current situation is relatively stable, her appetite for change is likely weaker.
  • Compelling events and deadlines usually make buyers highly eager for change. Your prospect might be reacting to an industry shift or new company initiative.

“You learn about a valuable treasure, but it’s at the top of a huge mountain. Reaching the peak requires overcoming extreme cold, fatigue, and high altitudes.”


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