A CEO says when she first heard the best entrepreneurship advice she was ever given, she didn’t understand it

P.F. Candle Co’s founder, Kristen Pumphrey, learned what the advice “be prepared to eat a lot of beans” meant during her time as a starting entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs struggle to make money during the start up phase that requires capital. Pumphrey had to work other jobs to support herself and her new company. Luckily, she received a large order from Urban Outfitters that helped grow her business. This is a lesson to all entrepreneurs, that it will be a struggle until you make it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be prepared to eat a lot of beans as at times it will be hard.
  • Sometimes you will need a second job to make ends meet.
  • Do not give up as it will eventually happen if you put in the hard work.

“I definitely understood what he meant during the time period when we relocated from Austin to California and we were basically living off student loans”

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/pf-candle-co-kristen-pumphrey-advice-2017-4

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