A Lesson From my Coaches: Lifting Up Others Around You



One thing I have learned from coaches around me who I’ve worked with in the past: As a leader you are an encourager, a supporter and a mentor.

A lot of times the people who you work with and lead will not have the same mental nor emotional fortitude as you. Now, this does not mean that such people are below you nor weaker. They simply have less experience than you.

Remember a time when you yourself were in that position, learning and gaining experience…I’m sure you didn’t take every step with assured confidence. It’s a learning process.

Likewise, as they are learning around you, you now have that unique opportunity to be in a position where you can help them, lift them up, and encourage them.

They may get down about things, or second guess their steps, but you can be the one to cheer them on and encourage them when the going gets tough. Help to build up their fortitude and develop leaders for the next generation.

You not only have a wonderful opportunity to impact your business itself, but also the lives of others around you. So take the time to lift them up.

Take a cue from this coaching article on how to lift up people who believe they have nothing left to give. It’s a good read with lots of application.

Read the full article here: A Quick Thought About Coaching People Who Think They Suck

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