In a 1998 report designed to train officers for the twenty-first century, the United States War College presaged a world that is “volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous” —VUCA, for short. VUCA describes perfectly what is happening in the global business world today. With the events of 2016—Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, threats from terrorists and cybercriminals, climate change— business leaders have entered a new era requiring new ways of leading. HJTraditional management methods seem no longer sufficient to address the volume of change we are seeing.
Key Takeaways:
- Business is not running as usual. Leaders must deal with growing uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in their decision-making environments.
- Today’s business leaders need the ability to see through the chaos to have a clear vision for their organizations. They must define the True North of their organization: its mission, values, and strategy.
- With their vision in hand, leaders need in-depth understanding of their organization’s capabilities and strategies to take advantage of rapidly changing circumstances by playing to their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses.
“With the events of 2016—Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, threats from terrorists and cybercriminals, climate change— business leaders have entered a new era requiring new ways of leading”