Sir Richard Branson brings us a timely article that helps understand the notions of set back, defeat, and how to keep ourselves going.
Quitting should not be in the vocabulary of the true leader. The true leader, business man, CEO knows how to push through adversity and bad circumstances. This leader knows how to push through such circumstances and keep going.
In fact, a true leader looks at such defeat and learns how to use it as a learning experience. Thus defeat is not so much defeat as it is a time to learn, adapt and apply.
Such thinking is what drives this type of leader forward in life. How do you look at defeat? A good leader does not see defeat. A good leader sees opportunity.
So do you find yourself focusing on each and every single opportunity? Are they opportunities for you to learn, to be forged by, to be formed?
Take a look at your experiences, and especially business failures, and see them now in a new light that will cause you to learn and push forward, rather than to be beat down and defeated.
Read the full article here: The Quitter