Author Your Authority

What is authority, and how is it assessed in our modern day, internet age?

Well, the second half of that question is fairly easy to answer. Authority is generally assessed today by looking at the amount of followers a person may have on their various social media networks. Or, if the person has a blog, then generally authority is assessed by readership.

But is this what makes one an authority? Or are we mistaking popularity for authority? I would say that there’s a tendency for the latter, now isn’t there. Take for example the various election years, and how celebrities are always asked by the press who they are going to vote for. There’s no other reason for this but to garner attention from one’s celebrity status.

So how ought we to measure authority? Well, for one thing, we ought to develop our own learning and interests to the level of an expert. If we are interested in the financial turnover and pitfalls of the US oil industry, than we ought to study the rise (and apparent fall) of the Bakken oil development in N. Dakota.

You see, authority is having a reasoned, well-informed opinion that is not swayed by the various, common trends of the day. Having authority is in many ways another avenue of expressing one’s leadership.

So where or in what is your leadership derived? Is it derived in your informed, knowledgeable opinion? Or is it based on the opinions of celebrity today?

Take a look at today’s article and learn more what it means to have true authority, and how you can apply it to your business ventures.

Read the full article here: How True Authority is Actually Gained

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