An interesting story for us today at Fastcodesign on the future of wearable technologies. First off, what is wearable technology? Well, you probably already have an idea with the introduction a few weeks back of the new Apple watch that is soon to be released. Wearable technology, commonly conceived, is the idea of a watch or some other electronic device that can be worn on the body. Some other electronic device? Is there something else? As of right now we pretty much have only watches, and for those who are fitness junkies we have heart monitors. Ok, go ahead an count your mp3 player (but who doesn’t have that built into their phone these days?) and perhaps a health tracker device. So what else is there? Well, that’s the point of the story…the writer of the story set out to find what’s next, and he gave a simple directive: What is the future of technology…and you can’t talk about watches. Do you see what they are doing? They are pushing the topic of conversation to that of innovation. What’s on the horizon? Where are the wearable trends leading us? What do we need, but as of yet have failed to see invented? Do you ever think that way with regard to your own business and leadership? Where is this all going? What do we have now, but what do we need in the future? The heart of innovation lies in the pursuit of the question? So what are you asking today?