It’s Pet Week!

And why in the world would that concern you? As a leader, a CEO, you no doubt want to create an environment where people not only enjoy working, but find in that workplace a source of creativity.

One easy way to provide a source of creativity is to surround it with the personal and inspirational. And there is nothing more inspirational than a personal pet. Allowing your workers to bring their pets to work will help reduce their stress levels, give them a healthy source of distraction and fun that will be useful for keeping them productive, and help build a psychological bond with your workplace. How so? They will so greatly appreciate the fact that you allow them to bring their pets that their thought on the workplace will be positive.

Try it out. I bet you’ll see many added benefits and results from allowing your workers to bring their pets to work. For more suggestions and to hear more of the benefits of such a program, check out this article.

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