Is that Grass Greener on the Other Side?

Today, Sir Richard Branson writes for Entrepreneur Magazine regarding competition and business rivalries. At times, it may seem that our rivalries suck the strength and even air out of us. But this does not have to be the case. Though you may think that the grass is greener on the other side, and that everything is going just fine with your rivals…this is not always the case.

In addition, instead of letting that “grass is greener” notion lead you into becoming green with envy, use it to stir up a healthy sense of drive and competition that can stir the fires of passion for your business.

Branson relates a little about the “rivalries” he has with other businessmen and how he has used those to try and stay ahead of the game, to remain competitive, and overall on the edge and cusp of his own endeavors.

Such a healthy look at rivalry will make such rivalry work for and to your benefit. As you use it, it will guide you and help you.

So don’t shy away from such notions of competition. Would they simply urge you to become better at your own businesses practices and innovations.

Read the full article here: Richard Branson On Handling Competition

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