Kim Scott who is a former Google executive learned a few tips, I guess I would say, from Larry Page. Larry Page is the CEO of Alphabet who is Google’s parent company. Instead of using anger, Larry Page prefers to just grin instead of getting angry at an employee for example. When an employee challenges him, he seems to permit it and even relish it! It’s the kind of open mind that every single company in this world needs!
Key Takeaways:
- Learning from the lessons of the best leaders in the industry is important to ones success.
- Challenging ideas is key to positive team building and effective solutions.
- Honest and open communications is crucial towards building a successful team and product.
“Few will ever step foot inside the office of Larry Page, CEO of Alphabet, Google’s parent company and co-founder of Google.But Kim Scott, a former Google executive turned top CEO coach, met with the tech leader numerous times. One such meeting with Page almost went awry, and taught Scott a key leadership lesson. While leading Google’s AdSense team several years ago, Scott was in a meeting with Page and former Google exec Matt Cutts, who now works on tech solutions for the U.S. government.”