Finding Creative Inspiration in the Unexpected


This Under 30 CEO piece uses the brief but prolific life of rapper Tupac Shakur to underline the value of not inhibiting your employees creativity. The writer explains that while should cores life was cut short at the age 25, he produced an expansive body of work because he refused to fixate on anyone idea for too long. Adhering to this artistic philosophy allowed him to produce some of between 700 to 900 songs within the space of four years, 13 of which went on to become billboard chart topping hits.

The writer also notes that innovators in other fields, like inventor Thomas Edison and an author Stephen King achieved much of their success while working to be as prolific as possible.

In practical terms, CEOs should endeavor to cultivate a culture where in their employees feel free to share their ideas freely and don’t feel pressured to produce a grand slam with every assignment.

Hitting your team with the kind of criticism that makes them feel like holding back their ideas and forcing them to fixate on the positive and negative aspects of every project will only stifle their creativity and cause them to feel disengaged. Instead, focus on giving your staff the kind of feedback they’ll need to optimize workflow and unleash their potential.

Read the full article here:

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