Focus, Focus, Focus

Rabbit trails. We love to run down them, chasing that unseen, proverbial bunny everywhere. We even fool ourselves into thinking this is the way to keep on top of everything…to have our hands just a little bit in each and every single thing that comes across our desks. But it begs the question: If we are so invested in every little thing, can  we be focused on any one thing?

What are we to do? Well, the first place to start is to learn to focus. Focusing on our paths, and not everyone else’s, is key in leadership. Leading doesn’t mean you have to have your hand in each and every single little thing. Leading means you know exactly who you are, have people around you to do the jobs you know you need done, so you yourself can lead.

There’s nothing more to it than that. A leader is not a micromanager. A leader is one who rallies the troops to your side, places others in key roles, nurtures, and then pushes forward.

Focus. This is key. Nothing more and nothing less. Focus on what’s in front of you and keep your eye on that prize.

Read the full article here: Once at the top, the biggest differentiator for CFOs is not IQ, technical knowledge or intensity but their ability to stay focused

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