The Chief Executive Officer is a title, position, and concept that has been an ever-evolving one from the time of its inception. When the position of CEO first started, it was seen more of as a no nonsense, top down sort of leader. He (yes, he…there were no women CEOs back then) was seen as a despotic leader who commanded rather than encouraged.
However, as time went by, the role changed a bit to one who was now seen as an agile leader who was able to motivate, corral, and lead a team of sharp minded individuals. He was an inspiration…but yes, for many years it was still relegated to the “he” department.
In our modern conception the CEO is no longer (thankfully) just a he, but rather is anyone, male or female, who is capable. But capable of what? Well, for starters, of being a gatherer. The CEO is now known as a team assembler. She or he does not have to be the best at what they do, nor do they have to have all the answers. What then, do they do? For starters, they know where to gather the best working team possible. They know how to assemble them and place them in positions where they will be utilized and successful.
So, where is the role of CEO going next? Well, take a look at today’s article for a few suggestions.
Read the full article here: Here’s What CEOs of the Future Will Look Like