How Mid-Market Companies Can Get Back Customer Loyalty | Chief Executive magazine

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In Julie Ross’ article relating to customers, she addresses some of the ways a medium sized company can make efforts to get back their lost customers. She explains that customer loyalty is essential to the company and that losing customers due to not noticing lack of loyalty can be solved easily using a few steps. One of the key points she pushes is that one must not rely on their sales team to solely build relationships with the customers as they end up depending on the marketer rather than the company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Give your customers a team to work with, rather than a single employee. Let them get to know your company, not just one person.
  • Develop a customer experience strategy that reflects your brand; one that motivates customers to become your brand ambassadors.
  • Make branding a priority. Branding should always be an executive function, not a support function.

“Team members should be responsible for creating “multiple points of contact, which is a way to diffuse single-source, relationship-driven customer loyalty,” Bob Domenz, founder and CEO of Avenue, told”

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