Stereotypes about Millennials in the workplace are generally untrue. Millennials are similar to previous generations in their opinions about the value of their job, their work-ethic, and their desire to stick with one company, rather than hop from job to job. Companies should include Millennials in the work force by utilizing their tech skills, communicating with them, and creating fun work environment.
Key Takeaways:
- Millennials, more often than not, have been singled out as a generation with its own values about work — unlike any other group.
- Millennials are often categorized as un engaged or entitled, but there is little research showing that this generation is any different from those before it.
- More than one in three U.S. workers are Millennials. In 2015, they surpassed Generation X to become the largest group in the workforce.
“One such stereotype is that Millennials regularly hop from job to job. One study shows that two out of three Millennials plan to change jobs by 2020. However, figures on job-hopping among 20-somethings today are almost the same as they were in the 1980s.”