How To Stay Positive When a Great Employee Resigns

It also springs to mind for me whenever I’m involved in a different kind of breakup: when a great employee decides to leave the company. Given those stats, it’s probably best for you and your team to learn how to cope when a rock star employee moves on. When you keep the vibe positive and supportive – wishing departing employees the best and even offering references or support with the new gig – you maintain the door open for great team members to come back.

Key Takeaways:

  • lt can be hard to accept, especially when it’s an A-player or a good friend giving their two weeks’ notice, but it’s a reality of business.
  • Given those stats, it’s probably best for you and your team to learn how to cope when a rock star employee moves on.
  • Your gut reaction may be to promise an all-star employee whatever they want to get them to stay.

“In fact, the average person will have 10 different jobs before they’re 40, and that number is only going to increase as more millennials join the workforce.”

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