I Tried A 25-year-old CEO’s Top 3 Career Tricks, And They Worked

The Cheat Code, in which Brian Wong shares more than 70 tricks to getting more out of your vocation and life. One of Wongs most accommodating profession tips includes ensuring your work doesn’t overpower you. Some are passing up a great opportunity for an extraordinary chance to get enlivened, discover some new information and have something intriguing to discuss by setting aside that opportunity to visit an exhibition hall. The youthful President says going to historical centers is his most loved recreational movement since it helps him think innovatively and gain from history. Exhibition halls are one of the best tricks of mankind, he writes in The Cheat Code.

Key Takeaways:

  • Take time away from your work. You should not work so much that you do not feel any separation because you will get exhausted.
  • Go to museums in your free time. They will teach you new things and allow your mind to continue to grow.
  • Don’t be afraid to leave your house. Go out with new people and let them teach you new things about subjects you’ve never thought about.

“He skipped four grades in school and graduated from college at age 18. One year later, Wong became one of the youngest entrepreneurs to receive venture capital funding. The now-25-year-old used that funding to build a profitable start-up called Kiip, where he serves as CEO.”

Read more: http://www.ceo.com/news_and_insights/i-tried-a-25-year-old-ceos-top-3-career-tricks-and-they-worked/

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