Inspiring Women in Project Management: Erica Pepitone

Erica Pepitone, PMP, has a lot to say both about being a project manager in NYC, but also about making the switch from project coordinator to being a project manager. As a coordinator, you have lots of opportunity to do project management tasks and projects allowing you to get some experience before you apply for the manager position. The PMP test is important, but so are mentors, even in the form of books and blogs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Today I’m interviewing Erica Pepitone, PMP, a first year project manager living, working, and learning in New York City.
  • my role as coordinator, I was lucky to have a manager who was an experienced PM and helped kick start my career as a project manager.
  • recently moved to a new company and am still settling in. It is easy to get comfortable after being with the same group and get used to the same processes, templates, and order of operations

“Switching companies and starting in a project manager role where there was none before can feel a lot like starting over completely because “the way we do things” no longer applies, and what worked for one team and one culture does not always apply to another.”

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