Leadership. It’s what we’re about, and it’s what people around us are looking for. A lot of times we stop right there. We think that’s all that life is about. In other words, it can be easily separated into two little, neat and compartmentalized categories: the leaders and the followers. But is that all there is to it? Do people fall into such categories and is that how life pans out?
Well, there’s something very important to understand, and that is the fact that this is not necessarily true, and we need to embrace this. Leaders and followers are not simply different categories. Rather, everyone, when they are around the right sort of leaders, have the capacity themselves to become leaders.
This must be a key concept for those of us who lead. What we need to do is foster an environment where leaders will be multiplied and empowered themselves to lead in the midst of our companies. Then, what we will see is true empowerment and development of our businesses and endeavors. To find out more, take a look at this powerful and very helpful video on leadership.
Watch: Why good leaders make you feel safe