Jealousy Not Included

Do you have a hard time celebrating the accomplishments and success of others? I know I do, at times. But we must learn to let go of such jealousy and truly honor the success of those around us. Especially if it is people in the work place.

Let me give you an example…you have a worker under you who comes up with a brilliant idea. Makes the office far more productive. You can either be very jealous and spiteful that you yourself did not arrive at that idea, or you can praise the individual and show them and the office how much you appreciate the hard work.

Which one do you think will get you farther in your own character and opinion of others that you lead? You know the answer.

To find out more reasons why you should look to the success of others and not be jealous, take a look at today’s article.

Read the full article here: 10 Things That Will Happen When You Enjoy The Success Of Others

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