The Key to Maximizing Personal and Group Productivity


There are few concepts that of come to define the modern business era than the notion of increasing employee productivity. Many of the world’s most successful and influential companies spend a great deal of time and energy to the topic. As such, a cottage industry dedicated to selling strategies, software and entire philosophies based around the notion of not only how to build a better mousetrap, but how to do it faster and more cost-effectively than the competition. While the static to noise ratio regarding productivity has gotten intense in recent years, the ideas outlined by veteran Googler Jake Knapp.

A tech oriented individual since his youth, Knapp developed an early obsession with using his time more efficiently. As he grew older, married and had a child, his focus on making every moment counts took on even greater significance.

After reading countless books on the subject and testing out various so-called “productivity hacks,” he settled on the notion that the best way to optimize his performance was through group effort. By setting strict group deadlines, evenly dividing up the workload and batching tasks, Knapp found that he was to maximize activity of himself and his team. Follow the link below to learn more about maximizing team productivity.

Read the full article here:

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