Leadership That Works: Learning From 5 Styles That Don’t



Leadership is a nebulous topic. It’s an even more precarious practice. Why?

Well, it’s one thing to talk about leadership and different leadership styles, but it’s a completely different and other thing to practice leadership in the real world as you are surrounded by pulls and shoves of various natures.

What does it take to be a good leader? A good leader must be self-aware. You must be able to assess yourself and the qualities that make you a strong leader, as well as the qualities that are working against you and are an overall detriment to your ability to effectively lead.

In such a self-assessment, you ought to take a look at your style in comparison to the 5  styles listed out in today’s article. Are you a micro-manager? If so, there is no quicker way to have a disgruntled group around you than to constantly be looking over their shoulders at what they are doing.

You may think you are helping, but at the end of the day what you are doing is really disempowering the very people you need to empower.

Take a look at the other 4 leadership styles here and do some thinking…do you fit into one of these categories or are you growing past them?


Read the full article here: These 5 leadership styles have never worked for anybody

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