What do some of the elite, NFL quarterbacks of today have in common with CEOs around the world? They, too, are the leaders of industry. The only difference is that a quarterbacks industry happens to be on the grid iron rather than in the boardroom.
With that being said, there seems to be a lot in common between quarterbacks and CEOs. So perhaps we can learn something from these elite athletes about leading a team of individuals.
One thing we might learn is that it’s always game time. What do we mean by this? Whether it’s practice time or game time, an elite quarterback always practices like it’s real, game time action. This means that there’s no half speed in the initial play during practice (of course they don’t take real hits).
Why is this so important? Well, because the quarterback has to know and feel the plays as if they are real. He has to know the feel of the snap and the release of the ball.
When you are practicing your presentations in the boardroom, don’t skip over aspects of your presentation. Rehearse as if you are really giving that presentation to future investors. Going over it to this degree will be instrumental in an excellent presentation when it comes to “game time.”
Read the full article here: 8 Leadership Lessons From Quarterback Gurus