Learning to Root Out Distraction in 2016

Commitment is everything. You know this and everyone else knows this, as well. But along with a deep sense of commitment comes the unfortunate reality of distraction.

Where does our distraction come from? Well, in many places it seems to come from our stress. The more our stress levels elevate, the more distraction comes in to try and cope or deal with it.

It’s for this reason that we need to learn how to focus, work hard and push past distraction. So, what you can do to eliminate such distraction is learn to focus more as we enter into the year 2016. For many people, 2016 will be a year to push on to newer heights. How will you do this? Perhaps journaling and centering yourself is the answer. For many people, writing something down at the beginning of the day helps to keep the focus and path clear before them.

For others, maybe what is needed is a bit of morning meditation. There can be a lot of clutter in the mind when one wakes up, so if meditation is what you need to unclutter, than take that time in the beginning of each day to decompress.

And as always, we know that some will react and focus better with a time of exercise. Whatever it may be that helps you, take a hold of it at the beginning of this year and kill off that distraction.



Read the full article here: If you commit to nothing

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