A Lesson In Perseverance

Hint Water has recently signed a lucrative deal to bring the water into public schools as well as county hospitals. Currently, the water company clears $40 million in profits, and this deal is sure to up that number by quite a bit. CEO Kara Goldin has formed a partnership with Compass Foods to distribute the water. Goldin, a mother of four and self-professed Diet Coke guzzler, always wanted a healthy drink alternative for her family. When none could be found, she established the company, and after 9 years of hard work we see where she is today.

And to think, it all started as she looked to a need in her own life, her own back yard so to speak. Perhaps we need to take a step back and look at what’s going on around us as we plan our next ventures.


Read the full article here: Hint Water Signs Deal to Bring it to Schools and Hospitals

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