Let’s Simplify!

How do you communicate to your shareholders? What does the board of trustees meeting sound like?

How we communicate to one another and to key stakeholders in business is one of the most important elements of our job as a CEO. Communication is really about delivering on the message of your company. So how do you do this?

Well, there are a few ways. The first is a way that is top heavy. In other words, it lays in the midst of that presentation words and jargon that are full of industry buzz words. In many ways, not the best communication.

Another way is to ditch the company jargon, and speak to people in a manner that communicates to them and their hearts. People appreciate such words. Just look at the presentations of luminaries such as Steve Jobs. Jobs was renowned for his ability to communicate with one another. And for this reason he amassed a huge following of people.

Today we have a talk on talking…and it’s well worth your consideration.


Watch: Let’s simplify legal jargon!

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