LinkedIn Ranks Colleges

Report coming from WSJ reveals that LinkedIn, the online resume social media platform now wants to get into the business of ranking U.S. colleges.

The rankings join a growing list created for a generation increasingly concerned about the cost and value of a college degree as the job market for recent graduates remains soft. The Obama administration is expected this fall to come out with its own ratings system—which may eventually be linked to federal funding—raising the stakes for higher education and university leaders, who also say they fear a biased system that does not reflect their mission.

Now, of course LinkedIn is not known for this, but it’s still not stopping the social media platform from leveraging its assets and applying them in an afore unknown area of industry. They take what they know and apply it in a new venture.

Have you ever explored such options for yourself and your own business? You take what you know, what you do, what you produce and apply it in another area of life where it may have some real and sustainable application. This is interesting food for thought today.

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