Mental acuity. Sharpness. That’s the name of the game, isn’t it? Keeping your mental faculties firing throughout the day is a key essential to being a viable, cutting edge CEO.
You know as a decision maker that you are doing just that…making decisions throughout the day on numerous issues. Oftentimes these decisions are of a timely nature, requiring you to make rapid fire deductions and logical reasoning. So how do you stay on top of the game with so many decisions throughout the day?
One thing you will learn from the best decision makers is that they are not people pleasers. This does not mean that they care nothing for the lives and feelings of those around them and those who are impacted by their decisions.
But at the same time, as a decision maker you need to make your decision and move on. Second guessing yourself is not going to help the situation, nor remedy any prior fallout. What you can do is learn from the past, and utilize that knowledge to guide you in future decisions. But no matter what…don’t waste the time nor energy second guessing yourself.
Be decisive, move on and build forward, not backwards. Take a look for more details on how to effectively make decisions.
Read the full article here: Mentally Strong People