Generation Z…have you heard about it? I’m sure you are still trying to deal with Generation Y. However, let me assure you that Generation Z is very much upon you and your business right now.
What do you need to understand about this new brand of worker? Well, for one thing social media and smart phones is not necessarily their thing. Yes, they use all of that. Quite consistently, actually. But what they do from there goes beyond anything Gen Y was doing.
What is this, you wonder? Gen Z has a filter, much like the filters that happen in their social media. What does this filter do? Well, it acts to silently filter out anything they deem unnecessary to hear. So they may be looking straight at you, nodding their heads, however they may be very distant in their minds.
This poses an interesting problem of communication that will creep into everything you do in your business. You will need to learn to communicate anew with this generation to not only get your points and ideals across, but to train properly as well.
To help you with that, take a look at today’s article.
Read the full article here: What is Generation Z?