Today comes a great article for you on not only the need for organizational behavior change, but more importantly, how to make that change occur. Why is it important?
Well, to put it simply: An organization is like an organism. Every time an outside force is applied to that organism, it’s going to have an effect on the organism itself. And the organism will either change or find within itself the resolve to strengthen and not change.
Any time you hire a new employee, that new employee is going to act like that outside force upon your organism. That new employee has his own way of doing things, thoughts and habits.
Such things, thoughts and habits will act like that force upon your business organization for better or worse. So as a CEO, how do you manage your company and the environment that’s being developed and established around it?
Well, today’s article will give you 4 steps to doing just that. Yes, one step does deal with surveying the employees and understanding the culture they would like to bring to your company. But after doing that, you will see where and what your company is becoming and learn to adjust to it and lead it from there.
Read the other 3 steps here: 4 Steps to Fostering a Positive Shift in Organizational Behavior