The Parameters That Inform a Quality Public Relations Strategy


As anyone with any amount of experience in business knows, there is no one public relations strategy is guaranteed to connect with consumers. However, there are a few different factors to consider when planning out how your brand will interact with the public at large.

This recent Forbes article takes a look at 12 particular factors that every chief executive should consider before their company releases a product, press release or branded tweet.

The first item on the list is profile. The first question any company needs to answer when introducing itself to the public is why they are worth consumer attention. There should be a few key aspects of your company’s brand identity that should be conveyed to consumers with your every communication.

It’s also important to communicate to consumers the problem that your company solves. If your business can’t offer consumers a solution to a problem they may have never known existed, then your company has no relevance. And it’s extremely important that your brand communicate how its products or services address a need with minimal backstory.

You should provide contextual narrative for those who are interested in it, but relating backstory is a bad way to make an introduction to customers who are pressed for time and spoiled for choice.

Read the full article here:

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