Powerpoint is an essential tool of your business. Don’t deny it. Using that ubiquitous office tool is a must these days. In fact, it has been for quite some time. Even if it’s not powerpoint, per se, but rather keynotes or Google’s slides, one thing you can always do better is arrange them, transition them, organize them, etc.
At the end of the day, what powerpoint is really all about is delivering your content, your mindset, to the masses. Whether it’s in the boardroom or in front of the media for a presentation, if you are in a meeting or leading one, you are either using it or looking at it.
So how do you organize your thoughts with powerpoint? Well, there’s a lot more to consider than just having bullet points slide in for each transition, and the screen blank out as you pose a question to your gathered listeners.
Take some time to look over this helpful article from the developer of the TED Talks. In it they go over the essential elements of understanding how to use powerpoint.
Read the full article here: 10 tips on how to make slides that communicate your idea