How Robust Sales Data Can Make You a Much More Effective Leader


In earlier eras, performing an in-depth analysis of your sales strategy was an extraordinarily time-consuming and imprecise process. Looking through dozens if not hundreds reports, charts, inventory lists, invoices and shipping documents in hopes of finding some kind of pattern required exhaustive effort. And because so many of the data points collected will subject to issues like misreporting, both intentional and not, it was hard to trust the rest of the data.

However, recent innovations in information technology and the widespread adoption of automated processes makes it easier than ever to gather robust sales information that can offer insights both granular and holistic.

This recent Salesforce article explains that the depth of data available to executives is now the level where it can act as a kind of digital wingman, a trusted partner who can fire 20 keep you from falling into potentially devastating pitfalls. For instance, being able to access client information, data on lucrative prospects and the job performance of individual team members will allow you a high level of intercompany and market awareness.

With it, you’ll have the insight necessary to take advantage of opportunities you may have otherwise overlooked and you’ll possess a level of pattern recognition that will allow you to make the kind of decisive changes necessary that can turn a flagging project into a hugely successful one.

Read the full article here:

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