
Sounds too good to be true, right? Time off to recharge the batteries…to get the thought processes rev’d up and ready to go. If we are caught up in the same old routine day in and day out for years and years, then we are going to have a hard time with innovation and creativity.

Now, what’s at the heart of leadership in your industry and any industry? That’s correct: innovation and creativity. How are you going to do it if you are always stuck in that same, non-conducive to creativity routine of yours?

Well, if to break the monotony of your existence and work flow you must be intentional, than so be it. We have 6 ways to be intentional about your innovation and creativity that will help with leadership.

Want to know what’s at the top of the list? Sabbatical. Time off. But this is not vacation, per se. This is work. It’s very focused work. It’s looking towards the future by examining the past. So how do you do it? By being intentional with that precious time. You don’t have to take a year off or even a month. It can be a week, or if you have less…even a couple of days.

Do you have to do it outside the office? No, absolutely not. But you do have to be intentional. Intentionally clear your schedule of your regular meetings and do not book any outside meetings. Intentionally plan out the course of your day with certain hours for deliberation, reflection, and analysis. Look at your day to day routine and shake it up.

This will certainly help in what you are seeking to do as a leader and innovator.

Now, for more steps (6  to be exact) of being intentional during this time, read today’s article.


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