Sales & Marketing Alignment: What World-Class Performers Do Differently

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In Tamara Schenk’s article regarding steps performers take to get to where they are, they speak of the challenging and new task that marketing and sales alignment pertains. In addition, she mentions that the alignment has to be done with the customer in mind and in providing what they want and what they need. Some of the steps that she mentions one should take are to have a shared vision in success as well as sharing everything from your market to the processes you take to service it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Companies do better and are among the top performers if sales and marketing are aligned.
  • Sales and marketing alignment should be customer focused and driven from the beginning and focus on what the customer wants and needs.
  • The article states that a shared strategy is needed to create value in every interaction with customers.

“Instead, you should begin with a solid mapping of the customer’s journey to the marketing, sales, and service processes. All phases and gates on the customer’s side should find an equivalent internally.”

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