So You Want To Be A Project Manager? – Gothamist

When it comes to completing projects you might find the need to want to be in control as a Project Manager. While some people bend to stress and pressure you find yourself wanting to take the responsibility for directing the team where to go and when. Overseeing both time and budget, it is simply no easy task. Different methodologies can be used and learned to ensure all project goals are accomplished and completed correctly. To join the ranks of these leaders, your will need similar tools and a boost from Lean Six Sigma to increase successful and high preforming teams.

Key Takeaways:

  • Project managers are responsible for assessing the viability of new projects and ensuring they are finished on time and within budget.
  • The PM bundled course selections are a total of 5 courses that teach needed skills, like waste reduction, team-honing and goal setting.
  • Name your price to unlock the last course, which features PM fundamentals, such as identifying stakeholders, do better than the average price and unlock all 5 courses.

“In order to be effective, they’re highly trained in a variety of technical methodologies — and to join their ranks, you’d need a similar education, like the one you’d get with the Pay What You Want: Project Management Bundle.”

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