Steve Jobs had a habit of taking long walks to let his mind rest. This allowed his genius to become more fluid and bounce ideas off colleges whom he had close relationships with. Walking has been shown as the quintessential activity for letting your mind wander while staying goal oriented. Evolution dictated that humans had to think on their feet. Thus ingenuity while mobile lingers even as our lives become more sedentary. There are many benefits to walking besides being more creative such as lower blood pressure and reduced risk of stroke.
Key Takeaways:
- There are ways to stimulate creative processes. Inspiration does not always come out of nothing.
- To be creative is to be dynamic. Walking can help get the brain working and creating.
- Walking may create creative inspiration because of our evolutionary adaptations. Our ancestors were constantly walking.
“Brent Schlender covered Steve Jobs for 25 years for Fortune and The Wall Street Journal. In Becoming Steve Jobs, Schlender recalled that Jobs would invite him to the house “for a walk” when he wanted to talk about a subject.”