Running a business can be difficult. Somethings can just go wrong, sometimes you can get unhappy employs. The usual culprit is a bad supervisor or manager. If that is not the case, then more likely than not it is bad clients. Compare it to pumpkin farming. Just as for pumpkin farming it is important to pluck diseased pumpkins and yank out weeds, it is just as important to cut off “bad clients” and ignore what seem like opportunities. This will keep the stress off the employees and you will see a drastic change for the better.
Key Takeaways:
- It is well documented that the number one reason people leave good jobs is because of their bad bosses.
- Firing bad clients isn’t a new piece of advice; and yet, so few companies are brave enough to pull the plug on bad client relationships.
- On the other hand, every time that we’ve fired a client (I mean, pruned a bad pumpkin), we have celebrated. The team has breathed a sigh of relief.
“It is well documented that the number one reason people leave good jobs is because of their bad bosses. In fact, one Gallup study concluded that a whopping 50 percent of employees depart because of their direct supervisor.”