Are you tense? Do you have a sore neck most days? I bet you do. In fact, anyone in your position as a company leader is probably filled with tension and stress throughout every fiber of your body.
So what do you do to ease that tension? Ever think about that?
Well, let me ask you this: When you rise in the morning are you still stiff and struggling to move around because of the pain in your lower back and the ache at the center of your should blades and the base of your skull?
This pain is there due to the unreleased tension and stress from your day. The best thing you can do for yourself and your health is to release that tension on a daily basis.
So how does one go about doing that? For starters, you can stretch every night to let those bound up muscles relax and release. This is key to getting over that tension. And it will lead to a remarkable nights sleep and an even better waking experience in the morning.
You may think that such thoughts on stretching and managing stress are a little out of the norm for a site on leadership and what it takes to be a CEO…but trust me; do one night of stretching and see how much it impacts your day and leadership tomorrow.
Read the full article here: Five bedtime stretches to do every night