By now the recent Sony hack attack has been in the public consciousness for a while. We’ve all heard about it and we’ve watched it unfold before our very eyes.
In many ways, the entire world had its eyes focused on it for a time. We saw how Sony “pulled” the movie from theaters and how they backtracked and apologized over racist and demeaning emails.
So what can we learn from all this? The initial response will be to have better data security. But there’s something more going on here. The CEO and other Chief Officers at Sony had to back track regarding their emails. Now this begs the question: Should these emails have ever been sent in the first place?
The answer is obvious: No. But the reason may surprise you.
The emails should not have been sent not because they are racist and demeaning. Unfortunately, as much as we may disagree with such sentiments…they are opinion. And people are entitled to hold their opinions.
Where these CEOs made their mistakes was by using the company email to air such opinions. That’s the mistake they should not have made. Your company email is used to represent your company, and not your own personal opinions. This is something we need to keep in mind.
Read the full article here: 4 Things Every Single Person Can Learn From The Sony Hack