Recently, a US Navy Seal commander and appointed head of all teams gave a graduation speech. Much of what he said quickly went viral. It’s a phenomenal talk for anyone and everyone. But it does seem to deeply resonate with people who are in positions of leadership.
Why? Because Navy Seals are high functioning. What they do on a daily basis takes a requisite amount of discipline. So what can we learn, as leaders of enterprise, from a seal.
One thing we can most definitely learn is the principle of making things happen, rather than simply being passive and hoping they happen. This is especially constructive for business as a rule.
We may have dreams about what we want to see happen with our businesses, but unless we get out there and make it happen…well, no one else is going to come along and make it happen for us.
This really speaks to the drive and heart of what we do. We cannot wait for others to come along and do what we should be doing ourselves. For some real motivation, take a look at the list of all 10.
Read the full article here: 10 life lessons from a Navy Seal